Drama Night is an annual event aiming for the participation of freshmen, who are divided into different groups and each group is led by an experienced member to complete a short stage play, and is the largest club event of the Macao Polytechnic University. Each play has a different style and genre, providing the audience with a variety of performances.
The newer version keeps the initial element, a silhouette of horse symbolized generations, updates the layout of character and graphics and chooses for Ultra Violet, a more emotive, inventive, charming, and youthful color. In the universe, ultraviolet light represents all kinds of possibilities, symbolizing the ability of everyone in the club to create exquisite pieces, to be open-minded, and to be innovative.
The secondary graphics are based on the extension of the main color’s lightness and hue, while seven fixed color combinations are set. Each set of colours with a corresponding secondary graphic for each group’s representative color. The different color blocks are extended to symbolize a variety of unexpected creations, full of specialisation and refined order. The graphics block a small part of the text content, giving the visual mystery. The curtain is about to open, the exciting performance is ahead.
社團原 Logo 呈現「馬」的剪影,對於社團成員來說,是代代相傳的精神象徵。新設計在保留圖形的基礎上,重新思考了文字與圖形的佈局搭配,並使用了富有情感與想像力、有趣迷人、年輕活力的 Ultra Violet 紫外光色。在宇宙中,紫外光代表著一切可能,鼓勵社團能夠打破框架,迸發出精巧的創作,激發對事物的重新想像。

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